
Discover the charities you can support through our platform!

Support causes that work towards a sustainable and social world! Every charity on our donation platform has ANBI status and meets strict quality criteria.

Through our platform, you can choose up to six charities to support. Click the button below and explore our full range. Filter by themes that matter to you, search for a specific charity by name, or learn more about a charity by clicking on their ‘card.’ Which charity will you choose?

Only ANBI status


Only charities with ANBI status can participate on our donation platform. This means that at least 90% of their activities are aimed at serving the public good, they operate on a non-profit basis, and they adhere to strict integrity requirements.

In addition, most of the charities hold the CBF Quality Seal, ensuring they meet stringent quality standards. Charities without the CBF seal undergo additional checks for transparency and financial accountability. This way, you can be confident that your donation truly contributes to a better world.



Want to have a charity added to our platform?


Do you work for a charity with ANBI status and would like to register? Click here for more information.

Are you an employee or employer and want to suggest a charity? Great! The quickest way to do so is to encourage the charity to register itself. Share the link to this webpage or the direct link below to sign up:

Have questions? Fill out the contact form below or contact us at or call +31 6 81 62 38 33.