Kinderfonds MAMAS


Kinderfonds MAMAS

Kinderfonds MAMAS supports the MAMAS of South Africa: strong, empowered women who stand up for children in severe poverty. The MAMAS organize daily care such as food, homework assistance, medical care and safe places to play. Not just for one year, but up to 18 years. The MAMAS help children until they are in their first job. Because only then can they step out of the prison of poverty. This is the dream that led Nelson Mandela to ask us for help 20 years ago. Together the MAMAS form the Movement of Hope, which is changing South Africa from the ground up and is already giving hope to more than 60,000 children.

Achtergrond foto Kinderfonds MAMAS.jpg

Active in: South-Africa

Theme: International Aid & Human Rights; Education & Sports

ANBI status: Approved

CBF quality mark: Yes

Impact fact: Did you know that with just €5, MAMAS can provide a child with basic care for a whole month? So that not 20%, but 85% of the children in slums complete secondary school with a diploma.