27 november 2024

How can we make impact in a changing world?

What will the world look like for my children, who have just been born?
Will it be 4 degrees warmer in their lifetime?
What natural disasters will they witness?
What wars will they endure?
Will they still see butterflies?

21 november 2024

Hack your taxes: give more to charity at no extra cost!

Let’s hack the system!

€1 billion cut from Development Cooperation. Unbelievable! But did you know that you can partly decide where your tax money goes?

The Social Handshake is expanding!

October 21 2024

I am so proud of this! Attention Charities: It’s been in the making, for a while, but as of this week, any charity with ANBI status that meets certain criteria can register to receive donations through The Social Handshake!

Nominated for the Smart Sustainable Sisley Award!

October 17 2024

Nominated for the Smart Sustainable Sisley Award! Very exciting, and I’ve had the chance to meet some truly inspiring entrepreneurs through it! Check it out.

These entrepreneurs are committed to a greener, more livable world and are an inspiration in the field of sustainability, according to Marie Claire. I couldn’t agree more! I’d love to introduce them to you.

Payrollgiving and Giro555: Acting together for The Middle East

October 10 2024

Because of the horrible circumstances in the Middle East, several organisations, such as Giro555, are commited to raise money to help as many people as possible. Payrollgiving offers the opportunity to donate to Giro555, through EmergencyGift.

We are featured in Quote!

September 24 2024

Super excited to be featured in Quote with an article! In this piece, I defend the statement that companies should donate more to causes. After all, the Netherlands is among the richest 3% in the world.

How does unconscious bias work?

September 9 2024

I stepped on a few toes when I called out fellow jury members for unconscious bias. Backlash is never nice, but fighting discrimination is more important, and I would do it again.

August 29 2024

Good news! The Social Handshake is now B-corp certified!

All organizations that went through the certification proces of Bcorp know it is quite a journey. I would encourage any organization to go through the proces.

Here are 5 take aways.


June 25 2024

More attention for #PayrollGiving

De Telegraaf and other Dutch newspapers are paying attention to #LoonGift. (Dutch for #PayrollGiving). In England, there has been massive donating via this hashtag. Could we also make this initiative a success in the Netherlands?

June 21 2024

'Tech can help us solve a lot of world problems!'

What a joy it was to present at hashtag#TNW2024 yesterday!

We are proud that with The Social Handshake we had been selected as one of the innovative organizations making an impact by the City of Amsterdam.

We had a great day.


June 17 2024

Large amount of money raised during the Night of the refugee!

We are proud to announce that team The Social Handshake has raised a significant amount during the Night of the Refugee! Many thanks to all the donors. Curious about the exact amount raised?

June 15 2024

Rush hour

So thrilled to see our family featured in NRC's 'Spitsuur' today! And it's definitely rush hour in this phase of our lives!

May 30 2024

Oh, people in Sudan can do without a little help...

Oh, people in Sudan can do without a little help... what was this coalition thinking when they decided to cut development aid by half?

Aren’t we missing a bit of humanity here?

May 16 2024

Do it your own way and you will go the farthest

Do it your own way and you will go the farthest:

Sandra van Beest-Otten was passionate about making a difference from a young age.

April 19 2024

5 Years of The Social Handshake!

We're excited to share an overview of the collective impact we've achieved so far with The Social Handshake Community, of more than over 100 employers and more than 3000 employees. With over 20,000 donations, we've been able to donate €585,838 to 42 charities!

April 11 2024

Community Impact Update

We're excited to share an overview of the collective impact we've achieved so far with The Social Handshake Community, of more than over 100 employers and more than 3000 employees. With over 20,000 donations, we've been able to donate €585,838 to 42 charities!

March 11 2024

Extraverted day

Even as an introvert, you sometimes have a delightful extraverted day. Friday, International Women's Day, was one of those days!

March 4 2024

What successful purpose statements do differently

We often help organizations strengthen their purpose. At its best a good #purpose can be magic. At its worst an empty slogan on the wall.

February 29 2024

Women’s day

These 5 Dutch Startups are good for children and the world! It's almost #internationalwomensday so the spotlight is on female-led startups/scaleups that I love!

February 5 2024

#18 Podcast De Onweerstaanbare Werkgever

In this episode of my podcast "The Irresistible Employer," Sandra van Beest-Otten, expert in 'making an impact with your work,' sheds light on the perspective of the twenties and thirties who are now entering the job market and seeking meaning in their work.

January 23 2024

Tough times make us stronger.

’Three years ago I thought that by now The Social Handshake would help hundreds of companies with their CSR by making doing good easy.’ We just had the kick-off at our 100th company.

December 20 2023

🎄 With Christmas spirits soaring and the Season of Giving in full swing…

We want to take a moment to wish you happy, healthy and peaceful holidays, for you and your loved ones.

December 7 2023

Au! Dit kan toch niet waar zijn! (Dutch)

De uitkomst van dit onderzoek is dat donateurs jonger dan 30 , zelfs na 5 jaar nog steeds meer gekost hebben voor goede doelen dan dat het de goede doelen oplevert!

December 6 2023

Het team krijgt er energie van, we maken er #impact mee, en er is vraag naar...., dan gaan we het doen! 🚀 (Dutch)

🎄 We vonden het zelf ook wel sympathiek om een kaart met impact voor onze familie onder de Kerstboom te leggen. Zo is onze ✨ Charity Gift Card ✨ dit jaar ontstaan.

November 28 2023

Hoe leg ik dit aan hen uit? (Dutch)

Verkiezingen zijn gewonnen door een partij die wil stoppen met #ontwikkelingssamenwerking, stoppen met #klimaatverandering tegengaan en Nederlanders met buitenlandse roots de rug toekeert.

November 9 2023

Als ondernemer is een supportive thuisfront zo belangrijk! (Dutch)

Hoe bijzonder om net als mijn man Stijn in de Challenger50 van MT/Sprout te staan!

October 31 2023

Dit moet stoppen! (Dutch)

Hoe kunnen 1 miljoen kinderen collectief zo gestraft worden voor een terreurdaad van volwassenen?

Zelden heb ik me zo machteloos gevoeld. Normaal wanneer een ramp zich voltrekt, is dat verschrikkelijk, maar kunnen we wat doen. Steun uitspreken, protesteren, geld inzamelen voor hulp en wederopbouw.

September 19 2023

Wat leuk om deze week #changemaker te zijn bij Change Inc.! (Dutch)

Heel trots om tussen deze geweldige groep mensen te staan die me voor zijn gegaan.

Wat changemakers met elkaar gemeen lijken te hebben is dat ze allemaal bezig zijn met futureproof ondernemen.

September 13 2023

Hebben we niet de verantwoordelijkheid om te helpen? (Dutch)

Op het 8 uur journaal gisteren het eerste item, maar vandaag niet eens meer op nu.nl: In Libië zijn meer dan 5000 mensen om het leven gekomen. De oorzaak? Extreem zware neerslag heeft geleid tot dammen die doorbraken en overstromingen die ons voorstellingsvermogen te buiten gaan.

September 11 2023

Kindness always counts (Dutch)

Dit weekend heeft in Marokko een aardbeving plaatsgevonden.
Waar in het onherbergzame gebied nog veel onduidelijk is, is wel al duidelijk dat meer dan 2000 slachtoffers zijn gevallen en veel huizen zijn ingestort.

September 4 2023

Sometimes being transparent sucks

When it comes to donating to charity people want to know what happens with their money. Rightfully so! But often they are misled. In a world where people are used to being misled, being the transparent one sucks.

August 2023

To find your drive, the key might be in the past.

We just moved into a new house, which basically means we spent the summer packing and unpacking lots of boxes. It takes so long because every box not only contains lots of stuff, but also lots of memories.

June 2023

Success isn't solo. Two toddlers teach a lessen Fortune 500 Companies often forget.

In the attached video two toddlers illustrate a timeless lesson in #kindness and #collaboration.

May 2023

I am a hypocrite… and I hope you are too

I advocate for a better world and at times am quite vocal about it. And that makes me vulnerable for being called a hypocrite. For there are many places where I am lacking, even failing future generations:

April 2023

You can be both: a #founder and a #mother.

These last months you could have found me at home: blissfully overwhelmed with newborn twins. #maternityleave and running a business has challenges and gifts. Five things I learned.

December 2022

Steun de slachtoffers van de aardbeving in Turkije & Syrië (Dutch)

Je hoopt dat het nooit gebeurt, maar als een ramp zich voltrekt wil je als persoon en als bedrijf iets kunnen doen...
Dat kan met #NoodGift.

December 5 2022

The Guide: podcast met Sandra van Beest (Dutch)

Moeder van twee, een tweeling op komst, én een groeiende sociale onderneming runnen. Sandra van Beest wordt gedreven door een sterke intrinsieke motivatie om bij te dragen aan een betere wereld. Met The Social Handshake stelt ze bedrijven en werknemers in staat om een deel van hun loon rechtstreeks en belastingvrij over te maken naar een goed doel.