How can we make impact in a changing world?
November 27 2024
What will the world look like for my children, who have just been born?
Will it be 4 degrees warmer in their lifetime?
What natural disasters will they witness?
What wars will they endure?
Will they still see butterflies?
The world is undeniably changing. It’s already changing now. It feels so vast and overwhelming. I find myself momentarily at a loss for words.
This afternoon’s reality check at the Beyond summit hit hard. And yet, it was comforting to be surrounded by so many CSR and ESG professionals from B Corps. People who are trying to make a difference. It gave me a sense of purpose again.
So I’ll take action, even if it’s just on my little corner of the world. I’m going to plant a butterfly bush in the garden. I’ll set up a LoonGift for a charity that supports nature. And tonight, I’ll give my children an extra hug.
Their world is going to change, we can’t control that anymore. How intense it will become is something we can still influence, even if it’s just within our own small corner of the world.
Thanks to B Lab Benelux for the inspiring afternoon we got to experience with The Social Handshake, featuring amazing speakers like Aniek Moonen and moderator Jahkini Bisselink.