War Child


War Child

A child does not belong in a war. Ever. Yet millions of children worldwide are victims of violence arising from armed conflict. War Child helps these vulnerable children to process their traumatic experiences. We provide them with psychosocial support, education and protection. We stimulate their resilience through song, play and dance. We also ensure that they learn to read and write, can do maths, and can learn a trade. We create a safe environment where they can dream of a peaceful future.

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Warchild logo (juiste) (1).jpg

Active in: Worldwide

Theme: Emergency Aid & Refugees; Education & Sports

ANBI status: Approved

CBF quality mark: Yes

Impact fact: Did you know that for € 8 euros a month a child can participate in our programs? With support from our specialists, we help children in war put their traumatic experiences in context and ensure that they regain confidence in their future.