Stichting AAP


Stichting AAP

Stichting AAP is a European animal welfare organization that is committed to exotic mammals, such as monkeys, tigers and lions. Many of these animals are kept as pets in poor conditions, traded illegally or abused in circuses and other forms of entertainment. This causes a lot of animal suffering. AAP takes care of animals in need so that they can recover mentally and physically. We then look for a good home where they can stay forever, such as an animal park or reserve. This creates space for other animals in need.

At the same time, Stichting AAP advocates for better animal welfare legislation throughout Europe. For example, we want positive lists to prevent the possession of unsuitable animals at home and a European ban on wild animals in the circus. Because only by tackling the causes can we really put an end to animal suffering.


Active in: Europe

Theme: Animal Welfare

ANBI status: Approved

CBF quality mark: Yes

Impact fact: Did you know that for every € 17, - we can supply healthy and protein-rich food for a Japanese macaque for one week? For € 34, - we can organize a blood test for a chimpanzee. And for every € 75, - we can provide one day of complete care for a tiger!