Starting on March 1, 2025, it’s time to file your income tax return. In these instructions, we’ll show you step by step how to incorporate your Payroll Giving donation in your tax return filing!
Step 1: Log in on the Payroll Giving platform
Log in on, to have the donation history of your Payroll Giving donation at hand.
Step 2: Go to
Click on ‘Inloggen’ (‘Log in’) at the upper right corner and follow the steps to log in on Mijn Belastingdienst (‘My Tax Service’, in Dutch only).
Step 3: Click on ‘Inkomstenbelasting’ (‘Income Tax’)
Step 4: Click on ‘Belastingjaar 2024’ (‘Tax Year 2024’)
Follow the steps to file your tax return.
Step 5: At ‘Uitgaven’ (‘Expenses’), tick the box for ‘Giften aan’ (‘Donations to’)
Once you’re at the step ‘Uitgaven’ (‘Expenses’) in the menu on the left, you tick the box ‘Giften aan’ (‘Donations to’) and click on ‘Akkoord’ (‘Approve’).
Step 6: Fill in your donations (per charity)
Hereafter, you’re asked to fill in your donations. Per charity, fill in the following information:
For the question ‘Was het een gift aan een ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling)?’ (‘Was it a donation to an ANBI?’), you always answer ‘Ja’ (‘Yes’) for donations through Payroll Giving.
You can find your charities and amounts on your Payroll Giving dashboard (see step 1) on the bottom at ‘Your donation history’ for the year 2024.
For ‘Gift aan’ (‘Donation to’), you fill in the name of the charity. The RSIN (identification number) is filled in automatically. In your donation history, you can find the RSIN to verify that you have selected the correct organization.
For ‘Bedrag’ (‘Amount’), you fill in the total amount that you’ve donated to this charity in 2024.
For a donation to a cultural charity (‘culturele instelling’), you receive an additional tax benefit. The additional benefit is calculated automatically in the filing of your tax return.
For the question ‘Was dit een periodieke gift die schriftelijk is vastgelegd?’ (‘Was this a periodic donation that was recorded in writing?’) you answer ‘Ja (‘Yes), since you opted for Max Impact Payroll Giving. Then, you’ll be asked for the transaction number of your donation. You can find your transaction number(s) also on your Payroll Giving dashboard.
With ‘Deed u nog een gift?’ (‘Did you do additional donations?’), you can add another charity. Also fill in donations from 2024 besides those done through Payroll Giving.
Step 7: Done!
Complete the filing of your tax return. In case you filed your tax return before April 1, you’ll receive information from the Tax Authority about your tax benefit on July 1 latest!
Participants are responsible themselves for correctly filing their tax return.
For any questions, please contact us at