Source: Free Press Unlimited
Free Press Unlimited
Free Press Unlimited has been working in and around Syria for over 11 years to support the local development of media and media workers in all regions of the country so that they can report on the reality in Syria.
These media are being hit hard because politicized local, regional, and international media have pressured their ability to upkeep independence and professionalism.
The media organizations we work with in the earthquake zone have been hit hard, but every journalist alive has lost their entire family, colleagues, and friends once. "Even the war didn't hit us that hard!" Despite their losses, these independent journalists want to continue working to provide reliable information to their own residents and those outside Syria. Information that can be life-saving now more than ever.
Our media partners now have to literally and figuratively build everything from scratch. They need our help finding new assembly and broadcast locations, equipment, secure connections, sleeping places in temporary accommodation, food, and blankets, but also help to survive.
These journalists must be able to continue to practice their profession as everyone has the right to reliable information. Directly. Donate and help.
Did you know that your donation helps independent Syrian journalists provide life-saving information?